How to install micro-qa?

You can install micro qa in few different ways. The easiest option would be to install it on your laptop using VirtualBox.

Install using VirtualBox

  • First install VirtualBox, if you are on Fedora then you can install it from rpmfusion repo.
# yum localinstall --nogpgcheck$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm
# yum install VirtualBox
  • Then install Vagrant. You can do it with the following command.
# yum install
$ git clone
  • Go inside the git repo and run the following command.
$ vagrant up

This will download a virtual machine, boot it and install micro-qa inside that vm. The download need to happen only once, from next time it will reuse the downloaded files.


At the end of vagrant up command, it will show you the IP of the VM with ifconfig eth1 command. You can use that IP too in your browser.

Install using AWS or Eucalyptus

You can setup micro-qa on an AWS instance or Eucalyptus instance too.

  • Install Vagrant. You can do it with the following command.
# yum install
$ git clone
  • Edit the following parameters in the Vagrantfile.
aws.access_key_id = "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"
aws.instance_type = "m1.medium"
## This CentOS 6 EMI needs to have the following commented out of /etc/sudoers,
## Defaults    requiretty
aws.ami = "emi-1873419A"
aws.security_groups = ["default"]
aws.region = "eucalyptus"
aws.endpoint = ""
aws.keypair_name = "vic"
override.ssh.username ="root"
override.ssh.private_key_path ="/Path/to/.ssh/id_rsa"
  • Install a “dummy” vagrant box file to allow override of the box with the ami/emi
$ vagrant box add centos
  • Once inside the repository run vagrant up –provider=aws. This will run a virtual machine, and install MicroQA in your cloud.
$ vagrant up --provider=aws
  • Login to MicroQA on your browser by visiting: http://<instance-ip>:8080